Monday, June 8, 2015

Easy Like Sunday Morning

For a good portion of my life, Sunday mornings were spent serving as an acolyte, on the volleyball court, or in the Corley computer lab.  And I loved it.  Mainly because the people I spent those mornings with were good friends or family.

Now, most Sunday mornings (except when I'm travelling) consist of a good book, journal time, or NPR program and usually decent cup of coffee.  I luxuriate in the fact that I don't have anywhere to be unless I'm going to make it to church that weekend.   I can have a second cup of coffee or listen to a little more NPR.  There may be a pile of laundry in my closet or the kitchen may need to be cleaned but there's no rush on Sundays lately.

Big cup of coffee and a great book!
 We have a great porch that gets a good breeze - even in these southern summers- and it's hard to pull yourself away sometimes.  I had a lot that needed to get done this past Sunday but from 9:45 until almost 3 in the afternoon, I only moved for a snack.  I had a great book, caught up on my line-a-day journal, and the weather was just right.

Porch view! Excuse the dead plant, still working on the green thumb.

At one point though, I began to think that I really should have gone to church.  With my crazy travelling the past few months, I haven't made it to a Sunday morning service in too long. I miss it but sometimes back porch time is just as spirit filled as a Rite II service.  My thoughts wander more than they can when I'm paying attention to a sermon or reciting the creeds.  I like the wandering.  It's freeing.  It leaves room for God to speak.  And for me to listen.

Sundays are for a lot of things.  For church, for laundry, for lunch prepping.  But mostly they should be for whatever feels right when you roll over in the morning.  It's a day set aside for rest and I'm a firm believer that rest looks different to everyone.  For some, it's not moving from the couch.  For others, it's resting in the tradition of hymns and communion.  And for the crazy ones, it's for calming their mind on long runs.  I'm still working on that perfect Sunday routine but, for now, the occasional day of not moving from my porch is entirely restful and as close to perfect as I could hope.

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