Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Holiday Scramble and Guardrail Life

I began writing this post almost a month ago. Finally having taken a breath from the tail end of the holiday season. Then guardrails took over my life. So here we are well into March and I'm back on the horse.
Adulthood tip: you learn a lot about things you never knew you didn't know.
Thanksgiving to now has been a whirlwind of travels, work insanity, and blessed moments.

Cue Thanksgiving and some much needed Florida sun.  A road trip with my nephews down to Bamma and Bampa's kicked off a wonderful few days with the family. I love the time I get to spend with them and it becomes more precious as the years go on.

Airplane with the younger nephew is easy...
...with this grown boy, less so.

December was the usual whirlwind of tacky sweaters and too much food. My family's Christmas this year consisted of camping in FDR State Park and a very simple exchange of gifts (except the basketball hoop for the nephews which was of course wrapped in a tarp). I kicked off 2016 with new and old friends in Atlanta.
Jordie is a professional camper in her old age!
January saw a youth retreat at Camp Mikell in the beautiful north Georgia mountains, a weekend in the Big Apple, and guardrails, just so many guardrails. I became very intimate with the guardrails along I-20 within the metro Atlanta area. Moral of that story is drive safe until GDOT gets them replaced and up to the new standards.

Wayne's World set at SNL Exhibit, I died.

Highlights of February included lots of hikes (holla at mild winters, boo climate change), a visit with my sister and her family, and crashing a wedding. So far 2016 is off to a great and fast start!

A Sunday afternoon meditation at the Georgia Aquarium was crashed by these two!