I'm sitting on my couch with a glass of wine watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Twenty years ago, the first book hit the shelves in the U.K. Sixteen years ago, I saw the first movie with a group of freshman at the high school I would eventually attend (shout out to teacher parents and godparents for pulling me out of school to join). One year ago, I reread the seven books in a two week period after handing in my notice to leave my first real job.
I grew up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The books came out during the summer, usually while I was at summer camp or beach week. So the first night I was home would be a late one reading the newest book. The last movie came out during college; I won't lie, tears and reminiscing filled that night. There are plenty of better written pieces out there on the multitude of lessons Harry and the magical world have brought us muggles. So this won't be that but it will be an update on my life as I continue to try and find the right wand (i.e. life path).
Spring has been different here in Michigan. One, it lasted longer than two weeks. Two, it brought the field work and travel I was looking forward to all winter. April saw a lot of rain and adventures around the state; I've fallen in love with the town of Petoskey. I finally got a kayak of my own! Just in time for the lakes to unfreeze. May brought a trip to Atlanta and first visit to the new Braves stadium; an event I'd been planning since January; and a dear friend's wedding. In between, normal life of being in the office and with students, plenty of trivia, and an amazing two days of AmeriCorps camp. A wonderfully busy month that was my favorite of the year so far.
And now it's June, almost July. Apparently it's summertime in northern Michigan but it's rainy and 56 here tonight so I still don't believe it. I got my braces off (funny seeing as how I had them on the first time when Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone hit theaters). Grilling out is the preferred social scene at this point. And the novelist of ideas for me, I like what I do from 8-5 and work with really great people. A year ago I knew I wasn't in the right workplace or, for that matter, field and I'm happy to report I'm headed down the road to finding the right wand soon. For those wondering, I'm still not certain what life holds come November but for now thanks for hanging around for the adventure and supporting me from near and far.